
Images used for Image Processing Applications


MATLAB Source code

%Program To Read, Wirte and Display an Image clear all; close all; clc; I = imread('cameraman.tif'); [I1,map] = imread('trees.tif'); [I2,map] = imread('forest.tif'); %TO CONVERT ONE IMAGE FORMAT INTO ANOTHER FORMAT [(i.e.) from tif image to jpeg](OR) TO WRITE THE DATA IN AN IMAGE imwrite(I,'cameraman.jpeg'); imwrite(I1,map,'trees.jpeg'); imwrite(I2,map,'forest.jpeg'); %TO READ AN IMAGE J = imread('cameraman.jpeg'); K = imread('trees.jpeg'); M = imread('forest.jpeg'); %TO FIND OUT THE SIZE OF THE IMAGE size(J) size(K) size(M) disp('If the size is 2D Matrix it is a gray scale image'); disp('If the size is 3D Matrix it is a color image'); %TO DISPLAY AN IMAGE figure(1) imshow(J) figure(2) imshow(K) figure(3) imshow(M) TUTOTIAL 2 %TO FIND OUT THE PIXEL VALUE OF AN IMAGE clear all; close all; clc; %TO READ AN IMAGE J = im...